Friday, April 17, 2009

Tea Parties(no not the ones with Cucumber Sandwiches)

I cant believe it has been this long since my last Blog attempt.I sure have been mad enough since the Election(not because my guy lost but to that later).Ever since the Election I have a constant Case of "told ya so!"Syndrom.This Tax Day I took the Kids to a Tea Party..and yes I have been asked by People if they had Finger Sandwiches there (somehow those People survived and I restrained myself to Eye rolling instead of Ranting).I figured since I am a Right Wing Extremist anyway,according to DHS,I might go all the Way and Protest.The event here in Paris drew a few Hundred People and if you know Paris you should be Impressed..Crowds like this one usually only show up at the Paris/North Lamar Football Game!For some Reason the People didnt look like your regular Extremist...hmmmm if you believe CNN and the Mainstream Media we should have thrown Molotov Cocktails ...If you have not seen the CNN clip yet(and unless you watch Fox News you probably didnt) go on You Tube and see for yourself how this has been Twisted by the Mainstream "Obama"Media..and while you are at it check out Nancy Pelosis Responds will get your Blood Boiling!According to the New York Times all the Tea Parties where fake...well I dont know about the 900+ Tea Parties Nation wide..but i KNOW the one here in Paris was far from fake.The Amazing thing is that the Event was not widely Promoted ,the Paris News published a small Footnote a few Days before,Hundreds of People gathered on the Square to Voice their Concern not just over Taxes and bigger Government but over the Direction this Country is going.I wont go into to much details right now..but growing up in Germany...maybe I do see more Similarities with Communist Germany and also the Nazi Regime then the average American.My Grandparents openly answered my Questions on HOW one became a Nazi and it did make sense.Hitler was Young and Charismatic ,he promised CHANGE!Hitler didnt come out exterminating Jews and Starting WW2.No ...his Number one Campaign Promise was to end Unemployment ,fix Roads and Infrastucture and establish Government Assistance Programs for the poor.Sounds familiar??I might be Paranoid here and People will tell me that this could NEVER happen in America..really?Where is the Guarantee?We already have more Czars then the Romanoff Dynasty,Homeland Security is calling Veterans and People who are Pro Life RIGHT WING EXTREMISTS,Unemployment is rising,the Mainstream Media is Ignoring or even missinform the General Public(if you have ever seen East German Propaganda News you know what I am talking abot)and to top it off our so called "President"has no clue about anything.Remember the Rev Wright thing?Obama "was not aware"that Rev Wright gave Rasist Sermons(sorry but 20 years at the Church you kind of get a feel for your Preacher IF you go to Church)..Obama was also not aware of the Fact that one of his Friends was a former Terrorist(again..even as a German Immigrant I have heard about Bill Ayers) Obama is not aware that Tea Parties are going on all over the Country,Sorry but either this Guy is the Biggest Liar that ever held Office or he is the Biggest Idiot ever.You take your Pick.If it is not on the Telepromter it cant be happening right?Guess I stop my Rant here and let you do some of your own research..I suggest to Check out th 912 Project Website and go from there .
I will close with the Quote that i had on my Tea Party Sig
I keep my Religion ,my Guns and my can keep your"Change"

In Germany they came first for the Communists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist. Then they came for the Jews
, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant
. Then they came for me, and by that time no one was left to speak up."

-- by Martin Niemöller, prominent German anti-Nazi theologian and Lutheran pastor